SSML Effects for TTS

Wondering how to create fun effects with a streamer’s TTS redeem? This simple guide to SSML code works for any chat mascots that use the Amazon Polly TTS service.

<amazon:effect name="whispered">Type here </amazon:effect>

<say-as interpret-as="expletive">Type here </say-as>

EMPHASIS: strong, moderate, or reduced
<emphasis level="strong">Type here </emphasis>

TAKE A BREATH: Note this does not need a closing tag, just place the entire text below where you want to take a deep breath in. Great for comedic emphasis before a long/fast section of text.
<amazon:breath duration="x-long" volume="x-loud"/>

RATE: x-slow, slow, medium, fast, or x-fast. Can also use a range of 20-200%. 100% is default speed, so below that is slower and above that is faster.
<prosody rate="x-slow">Type here </prosody>

PITCH: x-low, low, medium, high, or x-high. 
<prosody pitch="x-high">Type here </prosody>

VOCAL TONE: Amount from -50% to +100%, negative sounds like a helium effect, positive sounds bigger/deeper. 
<amazon:effect vocal-tract-length="-25%">Type Here </amazon:effect>

PAUSING: Add a pause by adding a / between words. Add a longer pause by adding multiple with a space between each. Adding a period or comma also creates a natural pause.
This is a short pause / This is a long pause / / / / / / / / / /